Cevalsoft India careers 2012

Cevalsoft India careers 2012: Cevalsoft is a rapidly growing IT solutions, software development firm and a professional IT infrastructure services provider company. . It hires the candidates through campus drive, walk-in interviews and through some consultancy job websites. We are providing the updated information of IT jobs in Cevalsoft India Pvt Ltd.
Java Trainees (0-1 years) openings at Chennai:
Fresher candidates with good knowledge of Java are eligible for the position of Java Trainees to work at Chennai. Candidates with Any Graduation in Any Specialization are required.
Job Summary:
Company Name: Cevalsoft India
Experience: 0-1 years
Education: UG- Any Graduate- Any Specialization
PG- Any PG- Any Specialization
Location: Chennai
Job Role: Java Trainees
Job Description:
Cevalsoft is looking for the eligible candidates who have minimum knowledge and experience of Java/ J2ee Development, C, C++ and Programming skills. Having good analytic and problem solving skills will be preferable. Candidates must be excellent in communication and interpersonal skills.
Contact Details:
Company Name: Cevalsoft India Pvt Ltd
Contact Name: Prasanna
Email: java.loganathan@cevalsoft.com
Website: www.cevalsoft.com
Click here to Apply

(RRB) 2012,Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)- Section Engineer, Junior Engg, Supervisor and Suppr. Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)

(RRB) 2012,Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)- Section Engineer, Junior Engg, Supervisor and Suppr. Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is inviting Application form from willing candidates for the appointment of various posts. Centralised Employment Notice No.01/2012 —

The recruitment of the below posts were going to hold in various RRB/ Zone in India. Candidates willing to apply for a particular RRB should send their application form at the respective address of the RRB.

1. Senior Section Engineer : 1403 vacant posts.
Recruitment is in discipline of— Mechanical, Civil, PCO, Loco, Carriage & Wagon, Telecommunication, Printing press, Drawing and Design.

2. Junior Engineer: 4784 Vacant Posts.
Recruitment is in discipline of – Mechanical, Civil, Telecommunication, Printing press, Drawing and Design and Etc.

3. Depot Material Superintendant: 65 vacant posts.
4. Senior P-Way Supervisor: 160 vacant posts.
5. Chief Depot Material Superintendent: 37 vacant posts.

Candidates should be within 20 to 35 years of age as on dated 1/7/2012.
For complete details of qualification/ Salary and others, visit the official website of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)— http://rrcb.gov.in

Written Exam will hold on 9/9/2012.

Candidates will required to prepare application format as per issued format, on good quality A4 size paper (80 GSM). Application form can be sent by post or can be dropped in person at the respective address of RRB. Candidates may apply online too from the official website of respective RRB.

Last Date: Application form complete in all respect should reach within 9th April 2012.

Candidates may read the full published official Advertisement by RRB for the recruitment purpose of the said posts, from the below PDF. List of website of state wise RRB along with application format is can be found in the below pdf.

PGECET 2012 | Notification for Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test,

PGECET 2012 | Notification for Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test,

PGECET 2012 | Notification for Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test

Hyderabad, March 4: Osmania University, which is mandated for Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test – PGECET 2012 has issuednotification.
PGECET is a AP State Level Common Entrance Test for admissioninto Regular PG Courses in Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Pharmacy and Planning (ME / M.Tech./ M.Pharmacy / M.Arch / M. Tech. / M. Plg./ Graduate level Pharm-D (Post Baccalaureate) courses for the academic year 2012-2013 conducted by University College of Engineering, Osmania University on behalf of A.P. State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE), a statutory Body of the Government of A.P., Hyderabad.
PGECET 2012 Important Dates:
Date of Examination: 08 June 2012 to 11th June 2012.
The detailed time table available on website.
Submission & Registration of Online Applications Start From 14-03-2012.
Last Dates to submit PGECET 2012 forms without late fee: 23rd April 2012.
Last Dates to submit PGECET 2012 forms with late fee of Rs. 500: 5th May 2012.
Last Dates to submit PGECET 2012 forms with late fee of Rs. 2000: 14th May 2012.
PGECET 2012 Hall Ticket Download: 21st May to 5th June 2012.
Application Forms will be accepted through Online only.
Payment can be made through AP Online.
Payment can be made through Credit Card, Debit Card.
PGECET 2012 Contact Details:
PGECET -2012
IDC Building
Behind Engineering College Library
University Campus
Osmania University
Phone : 040-27097065 / 099494 82176
Email : info@appgecet.org
For Online Registration and other information regarding PGECET 2012: http://www.appgecet.org

Ganapathy College of Engineering ,warangal,506003

Ganapathy Vision is to mould the College into a Top Class National / International Centre of Advanced Learning, Technology and Research and enhance National human resource and it’s Power.
To accomplish and maintain international eminence and become a model institution for higher learning through dedicated development of minds, advancement of knowledge and professional application of skills to meet the global demands.
To be an Excellent Engineering College providing world class engineers, who can handle the ever changing technology effectively. More importantly, to instill amongst our students good character, human values and other attributes which enable them to become good citizens.

Ganapathy College of  Engineering strives to:
  • To Provide state of the art infrastructure facilities and programs essential for offering world class technical education, Training, Consultancy, Research & Development activities & to provide facilities for curricular and co-curricular activities necessary for development of overall personality of our students.
  • Set high standards of comprehensive education by developing the intellectual strength of students and guiding them towards technical advancement.
  • Synergize the efforts of various departments, inspire creativity and foster excellence and innovation in teaching and learning so as to realize our vision as a Premier Engineering Institution.
  • Nurture the development of mind, skill, attitude and core competence of students.
  • Attain leadership in planning and resource management so as to improve the quality and accessibility of technical education.
  • Produce graduates of International distinction, committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge horizons in range and depth.
  • Enable students shine in their academic pursuits, making them sensitive to the needs of the progressive industrial world.
  • Organize a pluralistic and supportive environment that will stimulate scholars, students and staff of the highest caliber and contribute immensely to the process of Nation building through partnership with Community and Industry.

    Hunter Road, Rangasaipet,
    Warangal – 506 005.
    Ph : 0870-2520569
    Fax : 0870-3202597
    Residence : 0870-2565858
    Email : gecwarangal@rediffmail.com

    Dr.P.Ramakrishna Rao
    # Flat No.207,
    Subhadarshini Residency,
    Warangal – 506 009 (A.P).
    Cell : 9948061920
    Office : 0870-2520801
    Residence : 0870-2565858
    Email : gecprincipal@yahoo.com
    Affiliating University:

    Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
    Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 085.
    Ph : 040-3158656/65
    Fax : 040-3156184
    Email : jntuadm@hd2.dot.net.in


Ganapathy College of Engineering ece branch of R07 IN RAMOJI FILM CITY

Ganapathy College of Engineering ece branch of R07 in ramoji film city

Ganapathy College of Engineering ece branch of R07 IN RAMOJI FILM CITY

Ganapathy College of Engineering ece branch of R07 in ramoji film city

Ganapathy College of Engineering

Ganapathy College of Engineering

Affliated to JNTU Hyderabad Established 2008

Co-Education College College Code GNCH
Minority Non-Minority College College Region OU
Contact Details
Address Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal - 506 005.
Telephone 0870-2565858/2560801
Email ID gecprincipal@yahoo.com, gecwarangal@rediffmail.com
Website www.ganapathyeng.com
Other Details
Head of the Institution Dr.K.Tirupathi Rao
Contact Number 9849390248 / 0870-2100560
Hoste Facility Yes
Course Details
Courses OfferedSpecializationIntakeEligibilityRemarks
Previous year Seat allotment by Last Rank (Course wise)
CourseOC BoysOC GirlsSC BoysSC GirlsST BoysST Girls

CourseBC-A BoysBC-A GirlsBC-B BoysBC-B GirlsBC-C BoysBC-C GirlsBC-D BoysBC-D GirlsBC-E BoysBC-E Girls
College profile, college phone number, college website, college affiliated to, college address, college email id, college estd established, college code, college region, college courses offered seat allotment by last  rank wise, seat allotment for last rank, course details, seats, no of seats, intake. eamcet icet mock counselling

Ganapathy College of Engineering

Ganapathy College of Engineering

Affliated to JNTU Hyderabad Established 2008

Co-Education College College Code GNCH
Minority Non-Minority College College Region OU
Contact Details
Address Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal - 506 005.
Telephone 0870-2565858/2560801
Email ID gecprincipal@yahoo.com, gecwarangal@rediffmail.com
Website www.ganapathyeng.com
Other Details
Head of the Institution Dr.K.Tirupathi Rao
Contact Number 9849390248 / 0870-2100560
Hoste Facility Yes
Course Details
Courses OfferedSpecializationIntakeEligibilityRemarks
Previous year Seat allotment by Last Rank (Course wise)
CourseOC BoysOC GirlsSC BoysSC GirlsST BoysST Girls

CourseBC-A BoysBC-A GirlsBC-B BoysBC-B GirlsBC-C BoysBC-C GirlsBC-D BoysBC-D GirlsBC-E BoysBC-E Girls
College profile, college phone number, college website, college affiliated to, college address, college email id, college estd established, college code, college region, college courses offered seat allotment by last  rank wise, seat allotment for last rank, course details, seats, no of seats, intake. eamcet icet mock counselling
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