Group 1 Notification issued by APPSC ,Group 1 Notification issued by APPSC of 2013

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC), Hyderabad has issued the Group I notification for 263 posts in 19 categories. APPSC Group I Notification issued on 29th November, 2013. The preliminary examination will be held on May 27, 2012. The final examination will be held on October 3, 2012. Group I aspirants can submit their applications from December 9 to January 8, 2012. Recruitment Applications are invited On-line through the proforma Application to be made available on from 09/12/2013 to 08/01/2012 (Note : 06/01/2012 is the last date for payment of fee) for recruitment to the post of Group - I Services. The Commission has dispensed with the sale of applications through HPOs / Sales Counter of Commission’s office. The desirous eligible Candidates may apply ON-LINE by satisfying themselves with the terms and conditions of this recruitment. Applicants must possess the qualifications from a recognized University as detailed below or equivalent thereto, subject to various specifications in the relevant service rules and as indented by the department as on the date of notification. More details available on the APPSC website :

WB Council of Rabindra Open Schooling Madhyamik Exam Result June 2013 Out

The West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schooling has published Madhyamik Examination Results 2013. The WB Council of Rabindra Open Schooling Madhyamik Examination Result announced on 29th November, 2013. The West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schooling 10th Class Examination held in the month of June 2013. West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schoolin Madhyamik Examination June 2013 Result published on the website. The West Bengal Council of Rabindra Open Schooling Madhyamik Examination June 2013 Result :

Calcutta University Result 2013 Declared,Calcutta University B.Com Part I (Hons/Gen/Major) 1+1+1 Result 2013 Declared

Calcutta University (CU), West Bengal has published B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) Part - I (Honours / General / Major) 1+1+1 Examination 2013 Results. University of Calcutta B.Com Part 1 (Hons / General / Major) Exam Result announced on 30th November, 2013. University of Calcutta B.Com Part I Exam Results made available in the official website: The Calcutta University results also available in the University's official website: Candidates able to check the results by logging in to any one of the aforementioned website. Calcutta University B.Com Part - I (Hons and General & Major) 1+1+1 Exam 2013 Results available on the following websites : 1. 2. 3. The University of Calcutta (also known as Calcutta University) is a public university located in the city of Kolkata (previously Calcutta), India, founded on 24 January 1857. It was the first multidisciplinary modern university in South Asia, as the oldest institution to have university status, Senate of Serampore College (University), Serampore was granted freedom to grant degrees in theology only. Calcutta University occupies the top rank in terms of the highest number students who cleared the PhD entrance eligibility exam in Science conducted by Central Govt (CSIR-UGC NET) to became eligible to pursue PhD studies with full Govt. Scholarship. Calcutta University B.Com Part-I ( Honours, General & Major) Examination Results 2013 :

Bangalore University Exam Result 2013 Declared,Bangalore University B.Com III Year (Annual Scheme) Exam Result 2013 Declared

Bangalore University, Karnataka has published B Com (Bachelor of Commerce) III Year (Annual Scheme) Examination Result 2013. Bangalore University B Com (Bachelor of Commerce) III Year (Annual Scheme) Exam Result announced on 30th November, 2013. The exaThe examination was held in the year 2013. To get more information about the results, Students can visit the University’s official website : Bangalore University is a public university located in Bangalore, Karnataka State, India. The university is one of the oldest in India, dating back to 1886. The university is a part of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and nears the status of "Potential for Excellence" which is reserved for the top 10 universities in India under the Guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC). The University offers a large number of undergraduate and post graduate courses in a wide range of disciplines such as Arts, Sciences, Commerce & Management, Education, Law and Engineering, through its various constituent colleges. Date of Results Declaration : November 30, 2013 Category of Exam : B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) III Year (Annual Scheme) Examination 2013. Where to go for Results : Contact Address : Bangalore University Jnana Bharathi Campus Jnana Bharathi Post Karnataka Bangalore - 560 056
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