Kashmir University UG Non-Prof Re-Evaluation BA / BSc / BCom 1st Year Exam Sep-Oct 2013 Result Out

Kashmir University has published UG (Under Graduate) Non-Professional BA (Bachelor of Arts) / B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) / B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 1st Year Examination Result 2013. Kashmir University UG (Under Graduate) Non-Professional BA (Bachelor of Arts) / B Sc (Bachelor of Science) / B Com (Bachelor of Commerce) Ist Year Exam Result announced on 4th April, 2013. The examination was held in the month of September-October 2013. To know more about the results, visit the University's official website: http://www.kashmiruniversity.net/.

The University of Kashmir is located on the western side of the Dal Lake in the city of Srinagar which lies in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in India. It was Awarded grade "A" by the NAAC. The University provides good higher education in various subjects in the Faculty of Arts, Languages, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine, Dental Surgery, Engineering, Music and Fine Arts, and Non-formal Education. The University provides residential facilities - on a first-come-first-served basis to the teaching and non-teaching staff as well as to students, male and female, in hostels.

Date of Results Declaration :
April 4, 2013

Category of Exam :
UG Non-Professional BA (Bachelor of Arts) / B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) / B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 1st Year Exam September/October 2013.

Where to go for Results :

Contact Address :
Kashmir University
Hazratbal, Srinagar - 190 006
Jammu and Kashmir

Tamil Nadu Open University Term End Exam and BPP Exam Results 2013 Out

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) has published Term End Examination and BPP Examination Results 2013. Tamil Nadu Open University Term End and BPP Examination Result announced on 4th April, 2013. The examination held on the month of January / March 2013. To get more information about the result, student can visit the University's official website : http://www.tnou.ac.in/.

Tamil Nadu Open University is a university established by the government of Tamil Nadu, India. It offers subjects in the 'Open' pattern. There is a minimum set of qualifications for entry. Diplomas, certificates, undergraduate and postgraduate courses are offered. It is modelled on the lines of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Tamil Nadu Open University shall make available innovative, socially-relevant educational provisions that are learner-centred, seamless and are of high-quality by employing appropriate technologies to achieve equity in education, sustainable social transformation and composite national development.

Date of Results Declaration :
April 4, 2013

Category of Exam :
Term End Examination January 2013 and BPP Examination March 2013..

Where to go for Results :

Contact Address :
Tamil Nadu Open University
577, Anna Salai, Saidapet
Chennai - 600 015

Sambalpur University LLB 2nd Semester Examination Result May 2013 Out

Sambalpur University, Orissa published LLB (Bachelor of Law) 2nd Semester Examination Result 2013. Sambalpur University Bachelor of Law 2nd Semester Exam Result announced on 4th April, 2013. The examination was conducted in the month of May 2013. To get more about the results, students can visit the University’s distance education official website : http://www.sambalpuruniversityddce.com/.

Sambalpur University is located at Sambalpur, India in the Indian state of Orissa. Popularly known as Jyoti Vihar. It offers courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Governor of Orissa is the Chancellor of the university. The campus is located 15 km away from Sambalpur in Burla. The University provides courses in various faculties, through its large number of affiliated colleges and institutes spread across the state. The University Post-Graduate Departments offer one-year study Programme for M.Phil Degree, two years study programme for the Degrees of M.A. / M.Sc. / LL.M. / Business Administration / M.Lib & Inf.Science, One-Year P.G. Diploma Course in Computer Science & Application and Diploma Course in Sambalpuri Studies and Three-Year course in M.C.A. and Executive M.B.A.

Date of Results Declaration :
April 4, 2013

Category of Exam :
Bachelor of Law 2nd Semester Examination May 20011.

Where to go for Results :

Contact Address :
Sambalpur University
Jyoti Vihar, Burla
Sambalpur - 768 019, Orissa

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