Ganapathy College of Engineering strives to: - To Provide state of the art infrastructure facilities and programs essential for offering world class technical education, Training, Consultancy, Research & Development activities & to provide facilities for curricular and co-curricular activities necessary for development of overall personality of our students.
- Set high standards of comprehensive education by developing the intellectual strength of students and guiding them towards technical advancement.
- Synergize the efforts of various departments, inspire creativity and foster excellence and innovation in teaching and learning so as to realize our vision as a Premier Engineering Institution.
- Nurture the development of mind, skill, attitude and core competence of students.
- Attain leadership in planning and resource management so as to improve the quality and accessibility of technical education.
- Produce graduates of International distinction, committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening their knowledge horizons in range and depth.
- Enable students shine in their academic pursuits, making them sensitive to the needs of the progressive industrial world.
- Organize a pluralistic and supportive environment that will stimulate scholars, students and staff of the highest caliber and contribute immensely to the process of Nation building through partnership with Community and Industry.
GANAPATHY COLLEGE of ENGINEERING Campus: Hunter Road, Rangasaipet, Warangal – 506 005. Ph | : 0870-2520569 | Fax | : 0870-3202597 | Residence | : 0870-2565858 | Email | : | Director: Dr.P.Ramakrishna Rao # Flat No.207, Subhadarshini Residency, Niamnagar,Hanamkonda, Warangal – 506 009 (A.P). Cell | : 9948061920 | Office | : 0870-2520801 | Residence | : 0870-2565858 | Email | : | Affiliating University: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 085. Ph | : 040-3158656/65 | Fax | : 040-3156184 | Email | : |